Hello internet friends! These are the great words of Doreen Southwood. I'm not going to complain about anything but gaad dayam things have been rough on the work front hence the sparse postage/attention on my first born. Too many things to do and I have to prioratise and I'm really bad at that. It's the kind of week where you come home, plonk your stuff on the couch and go straight for the sauvignon blanc or reach for the kleenix or both! I feel like writing one of those long DMC kinda pieces that I always get a cathartic release from but every time I click send after one of those, Neggy, that little (bitch) negative voice that occupies some space in all our minds, is stopping me from complaining because here I am breathing, able to walk, talk and go to work and call people family and friends. Sorry to those of you who keep coming to check for new content but I am being stretched in new ways and finding it a bit hard to handle at the moment. Thank God for my yoga class, a 90 minute chance once a week to just sit and get some perspective that actually, at the end of the day, it's just feshin, and that like any other event in life, this high pressure busy business is just that, feshin. I wish there was something more meaningful or cool to post but there isn't and I'm not one of those people who won't embrace their emotional state when it is all you can be. Imagine Riri didn't know how to float in this picture. I basically feel that way for now but all will be orite!
Hang in there. Better is on the way.