#ChickenGate mtg out. Quickly hugging complainants. Will update just now.
We live in a crazy country. Last night, before bed time I did my usual social network inspection to see if I've missed any newsworthy events, deaths, marriages, pregnancies or what the topic might be this week for the South Africans rant of the week. Little did I know that I was about to be induced into a coma by laughter. There was a hashtag called #ChickenGate and I couldn't resist. Clicked on the thread and found a reason to love living in South Africa. Please read the brillinat Kgopedi's timeline from the bottom up to get a taste of what the action was about and then start following her on Twitter. I see a TV series in the making.
& that was a neat recap of the #ChickenGate. I think I'll slaughter tomorrow ☑
Lots of apologies as mtg is adjourned. Chair for making me explain myself. Mom for suspecting I'm practising "other things"#ChickenGate
Mom apologised for Dad's behaviour & tells me she doesn't hate black people. Chair says she'll brief security tomorrow#ChickenGate
Chair tells me this is a 1st in this complex. "We've never had to deal with a situation like this before". #ChickenGate
Conclusion: chair is going to put my suggestion on trial. Dad stormed out of mtg, saying something about govt. #ChickenGate
The chair wasn't too happy. Trustees had stopped shaking heads & squinting at this stage. Mom accused me of being difficult.#ChickenGate
In any case, the security oke on duty on the day of the 'killing' becomes the automatic beneficiary of the head #ChickenGate
My idea: I will alert the security guard when I drive in with my beast/s. He can then alert ALL neighbours/viewers #ChickenGate
In the name of not wanting to start things I cannot see through & be accused of inconsistency+intolerance I made a suggestion#ChickenGate
I refused. It's inconvenient. Chair asked we exchange numbers with the mom & next time I slaughter I give her a heads up.#ChickenGate
After much ado about nothing Dad came back looking more vexed than when he left. Chair suggested I change my 'killing spot'#ChickenGate
I explained this was going to be difficult as I 'kill' as I crave. Also had to explain I don't do routine killings #ChickenGate
"Atleast just tell me so I tell my son not to look or maybe take him to my cousin's house on the days you slaughter" Mom #ChickenGate
"I understand there's no law against your 'practice' but please can you warn us when you're going to kill the chickens" mom#ChickenGate
Mom said she spoke to other neighbours who were also concerned & approached caretaker who told them there's nothing he can do#ChickenGate
Dad went out with son. Chair asked mom to table her concerns. Mom asked me to be considerate. She went on to explain...#ChickenGate
It is of pivotal importance that I let you know: of the 12 people present at the mtg. 4 are black(self +1) incl. #ChickenGate
Son stuggled to sleep for 'a while' after 'witnessing' this. The hole in the ground with blood became an issue all on its own. #ChickenGate
"Then she picked up the its head from the ground & went in her house" son. He started crying again si dad asked him to stop#ChickenGate
"The lady then closed the hole in the ground with soil where she put the blood" son. At this point faces are contorting #ChickenGate
Mom held his hand while he shared details of how he saw me hold the headless chicken upside down with blood dripping from it#ChickenGate
After much ado about nothing & them reminding me of options ie NOT slaughtering, the boy was then asked to share what he saw#ChickenGate
I was then asked to 'share' why I 'observe this practice'. I did! It was brief. "I slaughter them because I need to eat them" #ChickenGate
After brief intro's the 'purpose of the mtg' was explained. It was quickly pointed out there's NO rule against slaughtering#ChickenGate
All parties attended. Trustees, chair, complainant(mom to son), son, dad who doesn't live with them & your's truly+1 . #ChickenGate
I just came out of a mtg called by body corp because I slaughter chickens in the complex & a neighbour's son is traumatized.#ChickenGate
this killed me, i"m following her and the #chickengate meeting was hilarious. #loveSA