Trust Marc Jacobs to have the balls to get away with creating what looks like a sartorial version of a Wes Anderson film. This Resort 2013 range is something out of a story book. The girls look like Russian Dolls who have grown limbs and life and decided to stop over in Germany via Flanders and possibly space, circa 1960. I'm no Nicole Phelps of but the shoes and accessories remind me of when I used to play with plastic dolls and for some reason, I keep thinking about The Jetsons as I looked through this 28 page look book on I don't know how well this will do commercially but I like how bold and unforgettable it is in the face of the monotonous uninspired fashion we see all too often on the runways.
トリーバーチの実店舗に行ったことがありますか?たぶん、多くの女性はただネットショップで購入したことがありますが、実店舗に行ったことはそんなに頻繁ではありませんね。実は、私もいつもそうですよ!だって、実店舗に行くことは本当に面倒くさいですね!数日前、トリーバーチ バッグをネットショップで購入しました。すごく綺麗ですよ!上質な素材で、魅力的な見た目が一気に高級感を演出してくれる。