Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beautiful Unknown Wooden Crockery

For the life (barely left) in me, I can't remember what the name of that shop I always walk past and have never been in because I always go after dark is called.  It's in Braamfontein, somewhere between the galleries. My first guess is Lomo but I don't think so.  I was at Warm and Glad today and saw these most beautiful wooden bowls and pestles and mortars there and they say the supplier is from that shop. The name escapes us all.  I can't promise that I will go anytime in the next few days but I really like the things they make.  When I find the name, if you don't beat me to it, I shall share it. Then buy myself some of these. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy you love our stuff, theShop in Braamfontein is ad schwarz on 70 Juta street. Our Headquarters are located in Mozambique, at the Mezimbite Forest Center, where we learn and breach how to respect and care for our forests. If you get a chance look at www.mezimbite.com or better still come and visit us at Mezimbite, EN6 km 50, a short 1850 km drive from Joburg.
