Monday, June 11, 2012

Dear Winter

Dear winter.  I know that most people don't like you.  In fact, most people detest you.  They think you are one 12 week long period that is just annoying and annoying.  You must think the other months are douches for always making you look bad.  What people fail to realise is that you are probably the biggest inspiration for the greatest fashion the world has ever seen. Don't worry.  As much I would rather be mauled by a pack of rabid wolves than wake up before 10am in winter, I still like you because you are the reason we can wear inter alia, knitted anything, faux fur coats and leather gloves.  

And the reason it's ok to sit at home and eat a whole bag of Nacho's and a bottle of wine (each) and not feel bad, because nobody will see our cellulite underneath all those layers.  Also, because we just got these amazing hand knitted snoodies from Amy Sidgwick of A.M.I Design now stocking Mememe.  So thanks winter.  I look forward to exploiting your inimical ways by looking like it ain't no thing.  The end. 

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