Friday, May 25, 2012

I think this is sweet

Who doesn't love Mrs Huxtable aka the beautiful Phylicia Rashad?  I was very happy to discover this on Facebook today.  Last night I spoke to a friend who has been commissioned if one can say that, to write a letter to her 15 year old self.  I would challenge myself to do it right now if I wasn't so hung over.  I'll try it next week. Here is Ms Rashad's:

Dear Phylicia,

Romantic involvement distracts you and can blind you to what’s really in front of you. And what really is in front of you? You are. You don’t even know yourself yet. You think you know and you want to assert that you do, now that you’re a certain age, but you don’t. What’s in front of you is a whole world of experiences beyond your imagination. Put yourself, and your growth and development, first. There are long-term repercussions to what you’re doing now. Everything you do, every thought you have, every word you say creates a memory that you will hold in your body. It’s imprinted on you and affects you in subtle ways—ways you are not always aware of. With that in mind, be very conscious and selective.

With high hopes for you,


  1. Oh how gorgeous she is! I love this, I might write one to myself.

    Love from Jo'burg

  2. She is speaking to me right now!
