Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's been a while

Ola Bitchez!

What a rough week I've had.  Really good in most parts but tainted by the evils of bad service thanks to MTN.  Oh my word, I can't cope.  I've never been reduced to tears because of frustration at the level of peoples incompetence, their terrible attitudes and the fact that I have just signed a two year contract with a company that has real live mongoloids working for them.  I will be writing MTN a letter this weekend and will publish it right over here. It's the only thing I feel I can do after being treated so badly, I don't think the upper echelons of the company will care. Anyway.

What else happened this week. Oh I was on CNN this week. It's shit watching yourself on TV so I've only seen the insert twice. I can't do anymore.  I'm too embarrassed but very happy.  Here's the link to the video if you missed it.

That was pretty cool.  Thank you to everybody who cared enough to watch and say kind things to me afterwards and those that generally always support my ventures. I really appreciate it.

What else? I didn't feel like blogging with all that bad energy flowing around which is why I haven't posted anything since Tuesday.  I'm much better now, have been doing a lot of deep breathing, house keeping and making out with a really nice guy.  I've been battling with internet connection and I haven't had phone for about 4 days. I think the universe is trying to tell me something.  So we shall take it a little easier this coming week!

Have a good weekend. MM


  1. Aha I think you were great. If anything, it was inspiring. :) More power to you!

  2. Oh my word that was so inspiring.
    Can we not just all aspire to be "millenials" though??
    Its a [beyond] worthy ideal to work towards.
    Well done (:

  3. let me tell you something, cellc and vodacom are'nt any better unfortuntely. its ridiculous. while you are at it, won't you put up pictures of that really nice guy you've been warming up to

  4. also had real issues with MTN. bought a contract for a micro sim for my iPad. you are fully protected by the CPA if you signed those papers less than 7 days ago. THEY HAVE TO TAKE IT BACK! read up on it! see a lawyer if you have to! don't give up; you have a platform from which to tackle these corporates. go to to air your grievances.

    ps. congrats on your cnn debut! we're proud of you!

  5. I can't stop watching that insert from CNN, i have it saved in my archives :). You are one inspirational Slashy. Here's to many more prosperous ventures of yours, can't wait to add "qualified business women" on that slashy hats-to-wear. Kudos (:

  6. As a non-South African who lives miles and worlds apart in NYC I love reading your blog its re-enforces my determination to make it to South Africa in the very near future. It is even cooler now to have an identity to attach to the one I made up for you in my head. Your piece was inspiring... you go girl!!
