Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Easily the best song I've heard in 2012.

What an ear fuck. Seriously the best 6.25 minutes of this here 2012. My trusted sender of all things cool, Celiwe just sent me a link to this Zero 7 song. Firstly, I love every beat that band makes so this was a very welcome surprise. There is no secondly. It's the perfect marriage of Zulu choral or traditional music and Zero 7's cool loungy alternative sound (sorry I don't know what it's called). MaYaN it's cool! The song is aptly called ''Likufanele'' and the lyrics go ''Igama obizwa ngalo likufanele''. I mean really. This means ''The name that they call you by suits you'', which I believe is true for everybody.  


  1. 1st time i heard it i thought it was a funeral song till my brother's ex explained it proper to me.I still bump this 8 years later and it blows me away...

  2. Yikes! This is so cool
    Mellows me right out
    When my mellow was harshed..

  3. Love it.
    The way they incorporate the hemiola makes it even more special.
