Monday, November 14, 2011

Self Portrait

On Sunday I went to swim at the public pool near Zoo Lake. It was so nice. I've been inspired to start swimming again by a fictitious character I shall not name for fear of looking like a shallow freak.  I've decided to cut down drastically on the nicotine and start focusing more on not treating my body like a garbage bag. So off I went swimming. I felt like I was a baby being born, it was traumatic because my lungs are so weak.

I haven't swum/swam properly since high school.  It wasn't easy but I'm going back on Monday morning for another 5 laps (still widths at this point lol).  But at least I did it in style wearing my new costume from Doreen Southwood.  For once, I forgot about cellulite and all the other things women find wrong with their bodies and enjoyed feeling like a woman. And yes, on weekends my room also has a weekend!


  1. The song that popped into my head when I saw you in that gorgeous "costchim"? LMFAO- I'm Sexy, And I Know It. :)

  2. Cool blog, just discovered it today via Nice view of Johannesburg through your eyes. Reaffirm my goal of moving there from New York in a few years...just because.

    And cute bath suit!
