Thursday, August 4, 2011

My First Victims

So the other day I was totally inspired by Le Coil to start doing Jhb Street Style shots.  I went to Rosebank Mall  or Mal as Jenny Chrwys-Williams calls it, because I had to go and pay a bill at Telkom. I took my camera just to see if I could capture some people while there and unfortunately the shy in miss milli took over and I could not go up to people to ask them for pics, but also because there were like 0 people who I wanted to take pics of. So right there and then I decided, I am not going to be a Mall Style photographer, it will have to be on the street.  Here are my first victims. Can't wait to get to Jhb CBD. 

Kedi, Joburg
Amy, Joburg

1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for someone to start doing some street/Rosebank Mall style shots. Our city is over flowing with beautiful style. Well Done Milli! (P.S Im too shy to do it myself, so go do it for all us shy ones here)
