Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mememe Hot Picks for this week

I just got back to the shop today and saw that we've got the most wonderful new stock! I don't usually do this because it's too much admin but I have to show you a few of my fave pieces!

Eb and Am (the Mr Price 031 Collections winner) R548
Silverspoon R440

Doreen Southwood R250

Silverspoon R480

Silverspoon R680

Doreen Southwood R990

The shirt is Non-European R600, Leather Skirt is by Jane Sews, R1400 and Leatherette Dress is by Rachel De Mart for R1500 
Silk chiffon skirt by Eb and Am is R465
I can't believe how lucky we are to have such wonderful suppliers. South African designers rock!


  1. I went to the store this weekend for the first time and was very impressed! There were so many adorable things that I wanted to take home with me that I just had to leave to think about it logically! I'm definitely going back this week to purchase my final decisions. I even blogged about you guys today: http://armadilloarmoury.tumblr.com

  2. I a loving the Non-European & Leatherette dress...gorg!

  3. The silk chiffon skirt by Eb and Am is R465 has my name on it

  4. Hi Milisuthando, I replied to your comment on my blog but wanted to reply here too to make sure that you knew that I edited my post to fix the mistake. Thank you for pointing that out, I didn't even realize that they were two different shops! Such terrible observation skills of mine. I'm here for 5 more weeks and would be honored to meet you, swing me a mail if you've got something planned and I'd love to tag along (jesslynn.schlamm@hotmail.com).
