Friday, December 10, 2010

Pulchritude hearts Trabella: Day One

The only thing missing from last night's Pulchritude <3 Trabella sale was a camera crew - beautiful Joburgers (and one clothes addict English lady) toasted and shopped the night away (and then ate some) at Trabella in Illovo as we celebrated the launch Pulchritude's end of year sale. After last night's success, we decided that this may be the new home for the monthly sales - the space is adorbs. If you haven't been, we are here until Sunday evening from 12 - 10pm everyday! Here are pics from last night:

Palesa "Style Idol"Mjali couldn't believe her eyes when she saw and subsequently bought this perfect Christopher Strong 50s Swing Dress. There's one left in size 36

 I tried to make this woman buy this ring because of her beautiful hands! Tried being the operative word. Hopefully she'll be back!
Black Coffee's Jacques and Loren from Flux Trends

"Skattie what are you wearing" Coverboy Fumi May deliberating which shirt he has to leave out. 


  1. totally ADORBS!!! (loving your lexicon!)... more boys stuff please, in realistic sizes... love your work, hope you win xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. looks like it was fun fun and lots of fun clothes...

  3. That dress that Palesa is wearing is gorgeous! I'm waiting for Pulchritude to visit us in Cape Town.

  4. I concur with Fumi!! Loved my buys, rocking em today actually! Ease up on XLs K? Can't wait for the next one ;)

  5. excuse me Madam
    I know the event was amazing.
    It's a pity i live in Cape Town.
    beautiful people. Beautiful clothes.

  6. Loving Palesa's Christopher Strong dress. Any chance you can hook your size 32 friend up next time you get a CS delivery?!
    (PS. Yesterday was lovely: well done Thoroughly Mod Mills)

  7. Looks good, it looks awesome... go Milli...
    @ Celiwe... you make a very stylish till lady...
