Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Remember, remember the 4th of September

I'm busy putting together the list of designers for the next Pulchritude Sale on Saturday 4 September (and if one more person says they can't pronounce the name - learn it honey. PULK-RI-TUDE, it ain't going nowhere) and it's looking really good. I'm very excited about bringing in a designer from East London - a loverly girl I went to school with from Std 3 to matric, Kim Kearney and her Kimbo range. I wasn't surprised when I saw just how adorable her stuff is because she was always the really well dressed girl at school. school. Doing things like this really makes me grateful for doing what I do. Here are some of her goodies for summer:

And yes, some of these are going to be at Pulchritude 3 along with the following if all goes according to plan: Mantsho, Two, Christopher Strong, Take Care and For the Love of. Crossing legs that it'll all work out. When I've figured it out, I will introduce a polling system to the blog where people who have attended the sale tell me which are their fav designers. I'd still love some suggestions on who else to include in the sales.


  1. I am saving up! For real now... I love that Christopher Strong skirt. Is it still there? Good Lawd Milli, I'm going to have to eat 2 minute noodles for the rest of the month.

  2. Haha, why do you think my fridge is empty 99 percent of the time? Priorities Priorities! You'll die at the new Christopher Strong skirts that are coming. D.I.E.

  3. PULK-RI-TUDE. lol miss millib. I can just imagine what you go through. Similar boat with 'eponymous' although I'm sure even less people would know what pulchritude means. That said I think most are up for learning a new word or two, no?

  4. Haha Amanda, I still battle to say Eponymous though, but I'm practicing. I'm coming to CT at the second week of September. We should meet.

  5. Where has this blog been all my life? Or is it the CPT bug that gets one soOO out of touch when they move to hip Jozi?! Please tell me where the sale is (hope it's not some exclusive insider info), and how often you have one. My wardrobe needs some prettifying :)

  6. Hello Fluid thought - Welcome. The sale is a very very public event! It's at the Jozi Food Market which is at the Parktown North Design Quarter - across from Moemas and Woolies and Nandos on 7th Ave. If you have trouble finding it, you could email me on

    Hope to see you there!

  7. Thank you, Mili... I will find myself there, Sept 4th!

    -Bomi xX
