Friday, June 11, 2010

Amy Rawhani

I love discovering fashion gems, especially when they've been shining under my nose for 3 years. Last week, at my sale, there was this stylish looking girl who kept telling my customers how to wear the clothes they were thinking of buying, "No this doesn't work, this will look nice if you wear it with...", she kept saying. I was too busy tending to other people to introduce myself so I waited a bit, while thinking "Who is this chick and can she stop preventing me from making sales?". A few moments later, she introduced herself and helped me make a sale. My heart smiled and I decided to let her be. Turns out she's a pretty cool kid (whose also a Taurus - very NB to me) whose been running a very cool side businenss for the past 3 years.

Lost and Found is Amy's brainchild - a facebook group that sells vintage stuff by having members bid on it. It's like e-bay for vintage clothes, except it's free and there's no red tape and it's right here in Jozi. The universe brought Amy and I together when we bumped into each other at Wolves on Tuesday - and so we are going to combine our two babies - Pulchritude and Lost and Found - and have a sale at Wolves on Saturday and Sunday, together with stuff from Hello Fox! That's how tomorrow came about. If you're not in the mood for shopping - just come for a cup of tea in the most beautiful crockery or have some cake or wine or vodeeka. Image is from Lost and Found group on Facebook. Oh, and that's not Amy in the pictures.

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