I'm not having the greatest day today, although it did start off well with the lovely interview Amber from Mr Price did me for the www.inthefashionloop.com blog. Loved that guys, so thanks.
I have a deeply annoying case of Writers' block and my lovely writer friend Miss Marion Isaacs suggested I drink some wine and see what happens. Well, what's happened is that it has just spilled all over my white top and now I've got a wine-stained top on a Tuesday. Serves me effing right for drinking on a Tuesday afternoon. Yes I'll have some cheese with that wine.
While that was going swimmingly, I get an sms from a friend in Botswana who has just bought the latest True Love, which I contributed to, to tell me that they spelled my name Milisuthando Mbongena. Are you fucking kidding me? After like 4 years of writing for them, they spell my surname Mbongena. All jokes aside, I'm really disappointed that somebody at that camp is not doing their job, or maybe karma is out to get me, but why? Thank god I have nothing to do with that magazine anymore. It's not my ego that's hurt, but my effort in presenting them with high quality work that's totally mauled right now, because it's resulted in this. Anyway, don't buy it, unless you know somebody called Milisuthando Mbongena. Last night I fell asleep reading Buddhist ways of living and I know this is not how I'm supposed to react but, yeah, I'm not happy. But I do feel better because I have purged and written to the Publisher of Thought 24. BTW it's much deeper than the mis-spelt name.
On the up side, I'm working on something for Colours Magazine with Chris Saunders. If they approve the budget, bombs away - it's gonna be the most fun interview I've ever done.
its jus one of those things u look back at and just laugh about it....experienced bad surname spelling n pronounciation a number of times, to the point wher it doesnt bother me anymore. wot the wine stained top, shuda taken a pic of dat lol... keep ur head up girl u doin great.