Monday, April 26, 2010


On Saturday morning, after waking up to the weather's interpretation of that saying "Hell will freeze over before...." (It was so cold I had to cancel an 8am appointment because I just couldn't do it), Celiwe and I decided to finally go and get inked. I'd always wanted these tats and she was kind enough to make them my birthday presents. So here they are:

In case there's any doubt that I'm dedicated to the fashion industry's cause - I got a hanger on my right arm and my favourite symbol in life on my left hand. Now I literally wear my heart on my sleeve. Celiwe got theeee coolest tat - a rendition of one of Keith Haring's drawings from 1981.

1 comment:

  1. welome to the world of the inked! you WILL go back for more. I'm still trying to decide on my next one...
