Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cathy Horyn gives Milan Fashion Week a Thumbs Down

This is from The New York Times

"The fall shows here, now that they’re over, were a lot like an alcohol-free version of “The Lost Weekend,” the 1945 Ray Milland film. What would that be like? An eternity of bad clothes crammed into four days with editors raging like shut-ins about the lack of fun (“Help, I need a drink!”) and the blogger Bryanboy announcing on Twitter that he had scored a free fur jacket from Dolce & Gabbana." Cathy Horyn. Read the rest of the article here in the URL below, it's really interesting.

I really hope that there's room for good criticism and reviews from the media at this year's fashion weeks. I hope the days of random journalists from tabloid newspapers (who have about as much interest in real fashion as Zuma does in monogamy), being in priority seats are coming to an end already. There are deserving journalists and then there are those who get columns in powerful Sunday papers, who are, by virtue of what they write in their columns, only there to look at the "celebrities" in attendance at certain fashion shows. Dare I say that, yes, Celebrities do bring extra an extra buzz of excitement to any event - but it's become too normal in South Africa, for a journalist to give a fashion week report back to be about the celebs, the media lounge with no champagne or a bevy of other irrelevant things.

It's never good to berate anything fully, but I find that there's very little criticism on our designers and affiliated organisations, and that results in stunted growth for the industry. The media's role in this case is to be eyes and ears for the rest of the world - without the proverbial shades that tint the truth to suit a few people. I hope things are different this year.

Pic: Dolce and Gabbana FW 2010, Milan

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