Smanga Khumalo - loved the hat and chain tie!Marie Claire magazine sure knows how to throw a good party: good crowd, great reason and a wide open bar. I was there for the Prix d'Excellance de la Mode awards which have been absent for the past two years, with good reason it seems. Back when they used to have them, it was all about awarding creative design, something that was acknowledged last night but the awarding has grown up to reflect the idea of actually making money. I think the key word for this year's awards is LEGITIMACY! There were legitimate judges who based their judging on legitimate criteria. Firstly, all the winners were ACTUALLY ALIVE. And secondly the categories were clear and based on criteria that I think will lead the local fashion industry in a lucrative direction. The categories were based on the business of fashion and some of the giant cogs that actually make this machine work, like retailers.
Woolies won for Best Big Retailer supporting local fashion (no surprises there though I hope Mr Price can compete alongside them next year)
The Space won for best emporium supporting local fashion (no surprises - we need more like them)
Hip Hop won best medium retailer supporting local design (Admittedly, I totally forgot that they exist but I'm happy they won)
Best online retailer went to Habits - good for them. Hopefully 36 boutiques will be in the running next year.
Business savvy fashion designer went to Colleen Eitzen - so many people I know wear Colleen Eitzen
Business savvy accessories designer went to Missibaba - a fantastic brand.
And last but not least, business savvy emerging fashion designer went to the wonderful Silver Spoon. I'm so frikkin proud of these guys and they totally deserve it - the business is two years old and if Stephanie and Dieter just keep doing what they are doing, they will go very very far! It's bitter sweet though, cos I would have been equally pleased if Two had won. There's always next year!
By recognizing that high fashion doesn't always translate to food on the table, Marie Claire and these awards have acknowledged designers that are not usually acknowledged in these big hoo haa events and I think it's great because (as a budding 'retailer' myself :-) ) I know that people prefer clothes that are wearable and affordable. And hello, I think the prize is cool too: Proudly SA will give free membership to the winners, which will allow them access to the promotional activities done by Proudly SA to promote local goods.
The judging panel included:
Dion Chang of Flux Trends
Lucilla Booyzen - founder and director of South African Fashion Week
Angie Hatting - Editor of
Amanda du Plessis - retail expert
Deon Redman - who was the creative director of African Fashion International until very recently
Sharon Becker - Fashion Director of Marie Claire
Felipe Mazibuko-Kunene - Fashion PR and insanely stylish and creative
Jacqueline Myburgh Chemaly - new editor of Visi
Adam Levin, fashion consultant, writer and owner of ImagineNation
Stefanie Vieira - Cape Town Fashion Council Director

1. Just after getting ready at SAFW offices: Stephanie Beyers in vintage and Silver Spoon, Anna Mari Pretorius in Silverspoon, Me in Maria McCloy vintage and Alinah Missouri in Clive Rundle nogel. 2. The lovely Dion Chang and Jenny Andrew.
Above all though, it was a great party that saw the bulk the industry's collective backbone in one stunning room at the Circa Gallery. At the dire and cheap risk of namedropping...Dion Chang, Lucilla Booyzen, Jackie Myburgh, Chris Marquand, Estelle Cooper, Noni Gasa, Alinah Missouri, Stephanie, Dieter and Anna Mari, Masana Chikeka, VieArem, Maria McCloy, Felipe Mazibuko, Smanga Khumalo, Angie Hatting, Loren Philips, Aspasia Karras, Merise Isaacs, Jenny Andrew, Paledi, Zodwa Kumalo, Zanele Kumalo, Vincent Zondo, Chantel ex Kluk, Suzaan Heyns and her business partner Moira, Danica Lepen, Leila Petersen who is off to London Fashion Week today, Sharon Becker and Junior - it was lovely seeing you all. It's a pity I didn't take more pictures, I was too busy having fun!
Thanks Marie Claire xxx